Brief Debunk – Tarot

Decisions: Tarot readings aren’t meant to answer yes or no questions, they are supposed to act as a guide for your own decision-making [1]. This is fine, as long as one is comfortable with the randomness of cards opposed to common sense and logic.

Flux: The purported reason for different spreads of cards being drawn to the same question is the fluctuations of a yet undetermined future [2]. Thus, tarot cannot make any practical predictions. This brings us to the…

Future: The future is just as determined as the past, and all coming decisions, based on one’s own choice due to a specific layout of cards or cause and effect, will still play out in a determined fashion.

Guidance: It’s more common for tarot readers to just supply one with awareness of the possibilities in one’s life, rather than exact visions of the future [3], i.e. a conversation.

Psychometry: Meaning, the ability to sense others’ mental imprints on objects [4]. Tarot cards are pieces of layered pasteboard, not a conduit to a Laplace Demon [5] or a capacitor for “Energy”.

Experiment: As with basically all paranormal experiments, tarot cards haven’t yet proven their professed effects. This tends to happen because of bad methodology or psychological explanations, such as cold reading or the Barnum effect [6].

Vagueness: It’s no surprise that, like astrology, tarot readings yield universally applicable answers.

Experience: My mother has been reading tarot cards during the majority of her life. So, I conducted a mini-experiment of my own. I asked her to lay down two different kinds of tarot cards, both answering the same generic question; How will my life look during the next six months? (aug-jan, 2014-2015). So far, the answers could be – unsurprisingly – applied to many (or none) of the events during this time. Since one specific tarot card can have multiple meanings in relation with other cards, there is way too much room for subjective (mis)interpretation for this little experiment to hold any truth. Then again, this is my personal anecdote, so you’re (hopefully) doing right to be skeptical.       

There is Only One Way

It’s alwaysstop-reality-check important to find common ground and assure it’s stability or that it alters according to the environment one currently inhabits with other similar organisms e.g. humans. Every human would without hesitation agree that red is red, fire hurts and that we die without air. And how do we know this?

Well then. Let’s work our way up in order to maintain continuous agreement about how reality is grounded. Can we agree on that? Excellent.

The strong interaction holds quarks, protons and neutron together. The weak interaction decays neutrons to protons thus altering an atom. Gravitation causes mass to attract mass and curves light. Electromagnetism exchanges electrons between atoms and can attract and repel certain materials. Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) are atoms, and their electronegativity attracts one and other, generating an exchange of electrons and thus; a current. You with me? Good.

Receptors in brain and body accounts for all the five commonly known and several not commonly known senses. Stimuli is registered by a sensory organ’s transducers, action potentials are transduced via closing and opening of ion channels, allowing the alteration of K and Na gradients along, inside and outside the axon and does so in complex neural patterns which the brain recognizes as sensory stimuli, and eventually as concepts. This can be demonstrated to be the very real – albeit oversimplified – case. Hope you agree so far…

These phenomena and effects can be accurately predicted and repeated. Today, we know the basic mechanics of how we know and the connections between the different scales of matter, from micro to macro. Before there where instruments, particle physics and neuroscience were based on nothing other than assertions. Today, it’s not assertion, it’s not intuition, it’s not guesswork, it’s fact. And unlike one’s understanding, facts cannot be altered (unless other newly discovered phenomena forces revision!). Is this false? No? Perfect.

There is only one way to learn about the objective truths of the world, and that’s by the methods of science. Of course, politics, sociology and philosophy describe the world we live in as well, but tend to do so in constantly changing and subjective manners. However, even those fields have rules and laws. Yes, they are man-made, but since we’re all human, that tend to fit into our understanding accurately enough. I hope you have managed this far!

The conclusion is basically this: when you can observe objective, constant interactions of matter and energy limited to the human senses and measuring devices, and that it’s complementary with each other in their connection from the smallest to the biggest, do not dare to mix in ESP, ghosts, magic, alternative medicine and gods where they cannot possibly belong.

Thanks for joining me on this little journey through reality dear potential believer.

FUE: Frequently Used Evasions – #2

This is intended to explain and highlight repeated rationalizing by variations of believers in order to support their claims.

  • “Even phenomena explained by science are viewed with your opinions and biases. Your explanation is as good as mine.”

No, it is not. Why? A simple answer is the scientific method and its inherent corrective mechanisms. The scientific method isn’t perfect, but it provides answers of the highest probability, and that is the best science can do for now. Nothing is ever 100%. But temporary agreement among the ones, who are trained, experienced and more importantly interested, can supply reliable results with anything from 60 – 99% accuracy.

Although sciences concur with how reality works more than any other discipline, doesn’t shield it from mistakes or wishful thinking. But here is the thing, take a look at the track record of how – and even worse why – for example, parapsychology has conducted most of their research. They follow their hearts more than their brains. In which I mean, although they might be rational intelligent people, they are the ones who go into an experiment with hopes of proving a phenomenon. That is usually the first mistake, because telling them that they are wrong, just provokes detrimental resistance from that hope.

A scientist may be motivated to, say, find a cure for his dying father and act on personal emotions in order to find it. The fact that there never is a lone scientist, that there are others on the same team, that there are objective methods, all assures that opinions of one doesn’t spread to the many without abiding to the demands of objective truth and empirical reality. The rough fact here is that science has a fail-safe, while pseudoscience doesn’t. This isn’t a question of opinion or emotion. It’s about what method holds the closest level of veracity. And so far, science has proven itself to be the most efficient method.           

Distinctions To Learn By

Brilliantly succinct and well-defined. Alas, the latter tends to be willingly inverted by its adherents.

