What If Existence ‘Just Is’?

Close-up dark beer with foam

This is supposed to represent Quantum Foam, and not whatever you probably thought it was.

The Planck scale (ca.1.616×10-35 meters) is said to be the smallest limit of classical measurements. Further probing would require photons with Planck scale sized wavelengths, thus become so energetic that it would collapse into a black hole. No information could be retrieved from that realm of the unimaginably small where quantum indeterminacy and probability rule [1]. So, either this is the physical limit the universe “allows” us to reach, or perhaps that really is the final foundation of reality?

Wherever science still has a long way to go, philosophy can challenge the minds’ owns limitations. Imagine, what if the Planck scale truly was the limit, and that nothing (whatever nothing is) existed beyond that. It certainly goes against one’s common sense as much as the concept of infinity(-ies) and the Theory of Relativity. We are so accustomed to the contingent causes and effects of the physical macroscopic world, so to imagine a foundation without any underlying support truly boggles the mind.

Perhaps the concept of the Planck scale being the final limit without further constitution really is the bottom end in the same sense that we weren’t conscious before we were born. Certain facts are simply hard-coded into the universe and has a definite limitation. Similarly, could existence, just be? Or is it turtles all the way down, so to speak? Who knows.

Our sensory perceptions and conscious processing might not be able to comprehend what lies below the Planck scale, but it’s more of a question whether we can make any kind of measurement with good enough instruments or not, not necessarily our own biological shortcomings. So, if one where to, say, discover that there is no underlying constituents of the quantum realm, then how would it affect our way of thinking about nature? As far as theorized (tested), virtual particles pop in and out of existence constantly [2]. If so, then this is the boiling “quantum foam” making up the fabric of the universe. There are scientific theories that gives this notion credibility. Yet, life goes on. We accept the inherent absurdity of Planck scale quantum events.

But should the concept of a finite inwards universe be scary? Should it cause concern and feelings of hopelessness, the hollow feeling that we and everything else ‘just is…’? Not at all. There is great comfort in realizing nature’s limitations, to know a bit better how it works. In a way, if you and I, all our hopes and ideas, are nothing but matter that happens to exist, then that means we are completely and utterly free to explore the limitations of the outward universe. Let’s hope we’ll discover them someday, I do think it is within our grasp.

There is Only One Way

It’s alwaysstop-reality-check important to find common ground and assure it’s stability or that it alters according to the environment one currently inhabits with other similar organisms e.g. humans. Every human would without hesitation agree that red is red, fire hurts and that we die without air. And how do we know this?

Well then. Let’s work our way up in order to maintain continuous agreement about how reality is grounded. Can we agree on that? Excellent.

The strong interaction holds quarks, protons and neutron together. The weak interaction decays neutrons to protons thus altering an atom. Gravitation causes mass to attract mass and curves light. Electromagnetism exchanges electrons between atoms and can attract and repel certain materials. Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) are atoms, and their electronegativity attracts one and other, generating an exchange of electrons and thus; a current. You with me? Good.

Receptors in brain and body accounts for all the five commonly known and several not commonly known senses. Stimuli is registered by a sensory organ’s transducers, action potentials are transduced via closing and opening of ion channels, allowing the alteration of K and Na gradients along, inside and outside the axon and does so in complex neural patterns which the brain recognizes as sensory stimuli, and eventually as concepts. This can be demonstrated to be the very real – albeit oversimplified – case. Hope you agree so far…

These phenomena and effects can be accurately predicted and repeated. Today, we know the basic mechanics of how we know and the connections between the different scales of matter, from micro to macro. Before there where instruments, particle physics and neuroscience were based on nothing other than assertions. Today, it’s not assertion, it’s not intuition, it’s not guesswork, it’s fact. And unlike one’s understanding, facts cannot be altered (unless other newly discovered phenomena forces revision!). Is this false? No? Perfect.

There is only one way to learn about the objective truths of the world, and that’s by the methods of science. Of course, politics, sociology and philosophy describe the world we live in as well, but tend to do so in constantly changing and subjective manners. However, even those fields have rules and laws. Yes, they are man-made, but since we’re all human, that tend to fit into our understanding accurately enough. I hope you have managed this far!

The conclusion is basically this: when you can observe objective, constant interactions of matter and energy limited to the human senses and measuring devices, and that it’s complementary with each other in their connection from the smallest to the biggest, do not dare to mix in ESP, ghosts, magic, alternative medicine and gods where they cannot possibly belong.

Thanks for joining me on this little journey through reality dear potential believer.

Brief Debunk – Energy (New Age)

Definition: In physics, energy is defined as an abstract mathematical concept. It’s a reliable measurement of potential and kinetic energy in a physical system [1]. Therefore, the capacity of a physical system to do work has the attribute of having energy. It is an attribute of matter, not an independent force [2].

Hi-Jacking: As with the word “Quantum”, new age folks abuse the word “Energy” as well [3]. When a movement knows it has to hi-jack scientific sounding words in order to validate itself, they’re just fooling themselves. Either use it correctly by doing actual science, or not at all.

Information: Most new age conceptions of energy involve some transference of information between individuals. Quantum mechanical systems are too random and too restricted [4]. Classic mechanical systems require at least a transmitter and receiver to encode and decode meaningfully perceived information [5].

Medium: No, not that kind, the physical kind such as air, water or space. Through which means does energy get transferred in order to transmit thoughts, feeling or healing? Why is this even a question? Why hasn’t it been answered after all this time?

Healing: Heat radiation from one’s, let’s say, hand has only a subtle kinetic reaction of molecules on/beneath the skin, while actual “healing” includes more complex biological interplay of enzymes, proteins and white blood cells [6]. That is, regulated chemical energy.

Neurons: No, just no. [7]

Placebo: Whenever woo-treatments appear to work, it is usually due to the placebo effect. It is not mind over matter. It is simply psychological phenomena such as; Confirmation or selection bias, reduced stress, conditioning, subjective expectancy etc. [8]

Universe: Yes, the vast cosmos consist of ca 5% visible matter/energy [9]. However, to assume one receives energy or information from an ambiguous pan-universal conscious entity requires extraordinary logical, physical and/or philosophical evidence to back it up. Unless one wishes to play the argument from ignorance card [10], all perceived effects ought to be explained primarily by earthly means.

Manipulation: To posit that one can “open portals”, “access other dimensions” or basically manipulate subtle forms of energy, one must harness more than the LHC’s amount of energy to tear apart the fabrics of the universe, and aside from possible parallel universes or other such colloquial denotations, other dimensions simply entail more or different properties of which measurements can be made [11]. That’s it, more or less.

The Brain is Not a Computer With a Soul

Oddly, people who embrace the idea of mind/soul being separate from brain/body enjoy the analogy of brains as computers. Dualism, as described, has serious flaws and objections to overcome. Although this may be a case of mistaken association between how computers process information and how humans process information on part of the believer, there have been a few arguments made by them that lacked any immediate rebuttal. Of course, modern neuroscience still has progress ahead, but do pay attention to how far it has come as well. Any possible arguments of incredulity aside; this is why using the computer/brain analogy is a bad argument for dualism (and to some extension, ESP):

  • Memories in computers are recorded, can be fully retrieved or copied and remain effectively permanent. As with many components of a computer, records of stored data cannot exist without any form of hardware. Although hardware in this case can be analogical to neural populations in brains, it’s a weak one since new stimuli similar to that of the original memory will always be altered by subjective experiences and imagination. Nothing remains the same.
  • Neural-plasticity allows for the necessary flexibility needed compared to a computer, and sufficiently less than is needed to invoke dualism, for cognitive thinking. In other words, the brain is overqualified for every current form of cognition (sensory perceptions, beliefs, deductions etc.) on it’s own. To add a “soul” is superfluous and, frankly, so extremely vague.
  • WiFi or radio waves are not the same as one’s brain waves. First, the frequency is much lower generated by neuronal activity (ranging between 1 – 100 Hz max), compared to WiFi (ca 2 – 5 GHz) and radio waves (ca 3 kHz – 300 GHz). Moreover, electromagnetic waves require a transmitter and receiver to code and decode a message. Other such coders and decoders than that which one’s sensory organs are equipped with, doesn’t appear to exist.
  • So called out-of-body experiences can be induced in laboratories by neural disruptions around the temporal and parietal regions of the brains by magnetic fields. Similarly, the orientation association area (OAA) is a region of the brain that is responsible of one’s body’s bearing in physical space and the distinction between self and non-self. When activity in the OAA is low, those distinctions tend to blur. This can even happen during deep meditation. Ergo, it is effects on the brain that in turn causes these strange experiences of the mind, not vice versa.

These represent only a fraction of the difficulties of regarding human brains as computers. Nonetheless, it does point to the fact that mind and matter cannot exist independent from one another. As long as there are alternative explanations grounded in empirical or formal sciences – and no matter how far-fetched they may seem – is always better than a supernatural assertion. Thus, souls, mystical energies or other occult abilities simply are too unnecessary to have to include.

Relevant Sources:


Thagard. P. (2010) The Brain and the Meaning of Life. Princeton University Press.





I choose not to highlight any page numbers or sections in an attempt to trick people into learning by searching.

Would All-Knowing Ease or Worsen One’s Decision-making?

We humans Neuroscience-determinism-photo-1-470x485are self-aware agents and are bound by motion conceptualized as time. Any decision made will push matter around. How events play out in our localized piece of the world depends on prior actions and the resulting cascade of reactions. In this precise moment, there will always be a small possibility of anything happening. We don’t know the future and we don’t know all there is to be known of neither present nor past. This might be favorable or it might be disadvantageous. So then, what if one were able to break free from this limitation and have knowledge of all concurring factors? Would that even be desirable?

If one, let’s say an individual called OI (Omniscient Individual), was a human and knowledge of all concurrent factors involved in OI’s life and beyond, how would the decision-making process be affected? First off, OI only knows about the present affairs of events and their basic foundations. The capacity of accurate predictions depend on 1) the existence of free will or 2) the lack thereof. If 1, then predictions are limited to elementary substances, but people might divert the prediction if interference or information by OI is made or revealed, respectively. If 2, then predictions are boundless and always exact regarding both elementary substances and the neurological make-up of other people. Since OI is the nexus of pansophic and pan-universal information, does OI act without physical constraint or is OI a god-like pawn?

Since some type of determinism is closer to reality, OI can only act within determined systems. Usually, epistemic limitations would leave the option of a deterministic universe open, but in OI’s case there are no such limitations. Therefore, OI’s ability to make decisions comes into question. For example, in cases where patients are damaged in the orbitofrontal cortex (part of the brain that regulates how we act upon emotions), they find themselves without emotion and thus an impairment of intuitive decision-making. Instead, reasoning is required to make every decision [1]. If assumed, all-knowing in OI’s case would give OI constant updates on internal biochemistry and it’s resulting actions. Since the brain – according to experiment – lays the ground for upcoming choices a few seconds in beforehand [2], OI’s concurrent knowledge of all factors would cause a sort of feedback-loop between what OI does and what OI will do.

So, OI knows about all internal and external reactions – chemical or otherwise – in real-time, deduces ubiquitous future events more efficiently without emotions (probably) and is trapped as an epi-phenomenon in between antecedent causes and subsequent effects of the mind. Then, it would seem that OI experiences an existence of constant cognitive dissonance, knowing yet unable, a god-like pawn played with by himself. Would the resulting omniscience of this particular and highly speculative thought experiment be desirable? Well, answering as a limited human being; who knows.

The Difference Between Fact and Opinion

The line between what is fact and what is opinion are independently quite clear. When they intermix, however, the line blurs. Facts are supported by evidence, empirical or statistical, and can be viewed by anyone who wants to confirm that something really is the case. Opinions base themselves on individuals or a group’s viewpoint or belief, without objective evidence to support them. In other words, facts represent the objective nature of something with indifference to individual opinion, and opinions represent the subjective preference of something with indifference to ubiquitous fact. They might not necessarily be polar-opposites, but there is no getting around these definitions.

The distinction betweensciencerecipe fact and opinion is of special importance when drawing conclusions. Then the “How do you know that?” and “Why is that?” questions are asked, concerning fact and opinion respectively. In mundane arguments, indecision or problem-solving, there tend to be a substantial lack of data regarding the relevant factors involved. One rarely has a particular day’s appearing facts scribbled down on a note in one’s wallet, ready for settling agreement or rejection. Therefore, I make use of my own simple “Three Laws of Determining”:

  1. Accept a knowledge claim on the basis of truth.
  2. If the first law does not yield sufficient verification, then accept a knowledge claim on the basis of practicality.
  3. If the two previous laws do not yield sufficient verification, then accept a knowledge claim on the basis of preference.

Yes, Asimov is awesome. Note that these “laws” are my own creation, not to be taken ultra seriously, but still, yes.

Nonetheless, I think they’re fairly inclusive of all relevant options when a decision needs to be made. Facts should’ve been, are and always should be number one priority, while opinions or preference should be last priority.

An area where fact and opinion tend to clash the most is, of course, in societal or scientific fields. But the focus will be on science, since it’s easier to discern facts there. And yet, the opinionated (believers, deniers, pseudo-skeptics etc.) has the most difficult time upgrading an opinion to a fact. The simple fact is that science’s track-record, method of conduct and universality is far superior to any other means of knowing nature and its phenomena. If there existed more accurate means of knowing than science – since there is always room for error in it – scientists would employ that method ASAP. Simply put, it’s fine for one to admire the universe with deep emotions and have opinions about it, but is sure isn’t fine for one to expect the universe to care for one’s mere emotions or opinion. The real world isn’t sophistic or relativistic. Believe it or not – or more likely, believe it or deny it – there is such a thing as one side being right, and the other being wrong.

Just a Rant About The Irrational


In a Good Way, That is.

Many times throughout history, doubt was first cast on a numinous subject whenever it wanted to emulate the sciences in order to establish legitimacy. Almost all conflicts between science and the spiritual emerge as a consequence of using a method that tend to always work, and applying it on something that never worked to begin with. This highly esoteric man-made gap of discoveries seems to widen and tighten in waves, and it appears we’re currently in a trough.

I fail to see how the stalemate between science and the spiritual exists today. A few centuries ago, it would make sense, of course. But with resurgences of pseudoscience, spiritualism, occultism and other inconspicuous woo in a world where scientific means of attaining knowledge far surpasses any other means of doing so. Myths have always been “debunked”. The opposite – the supernatural debunking a scientific claim – has never happened. This is not to say that even glimpsing at a tarot card should be condemned, but at least acknowledge possibilities of error and admit that one’s belief in the supernatural is far from based in reality. To cling to and relentlessly defend a seemingly supernatural phenomenon without using proper critical thinking skills is, simply put, pitiful.

Because of this, anyone ought to criticize these faulty ideas if taken serious. In my experience, believers tend to attack one’s lack of knowledge in their subject as a primary argument. Well, given that any issue rarely is black or white, one should remember that knowledge comes in bits, not in complete sets. One never truly knows what someone else might know about your most precious beliefs, and actually, someone impartial might provide valuable insight about those beliefs. A response to this counter-argument seems often to be the classic retort ‘That’s just a theory! Science doesn’t know for sure’. Although it is true that science is provisional, a theory does actually signify an experimentally confirmed, predictable, repeatable event of natural phenomena. In other words, it presents facts.

Another flaw in the believers thinking is that if they applied the same rigorous logic and honest reasoning on the supernatural as they would a crime scene, criminal trial or playing golf, there would quickly be little to no supernatural left to argue for. Yet, they are gifted at rationalizing anything. In fact, for the sake of argument, let’s say that truth doesn’t matter – that science and the spiritual equally could not explain the nature of reality with a shared level of certainty. If that were the case, I would still get my vaccine shot rather than homeopathic treatment, visit a psychotherapist rather than a psychic and definitively ask how and not why in the face of a yet unexplained claim.

Brief Debunk – God

Definition: The classical definition, i.e. a supreme entity that created and rules the universe. Does not necessarily have to be a physical entity, but rather not be a vague postmodern version of god – we all should recognize that the latter one is a vacuous cop out.

Morality: If morality is absolute according to a god, then gray areas would not exist and the absolutely bad and the absolutely good would’ve been undeniable to accept as the norm. If morality was made relative, then that god should be diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Scripture: Of course, religions worshiping god(s) have been founded without scriptures. But those that have tend to remain longer. How a few cosmically insignificant symbols can connect to a supreme entity is unknown, however what is known is that it acts as the perfect fuel to sustain man-made ideologies throughout the centuries.

Miracles: Can be explained by alternatives such as; The vastness of the universe, probability theory, cognitive biases, psychological and cognitive errors, indoctrination, distortion of reports, cultural differences, generational shifts, hoaxes and good old ignorance.

Design: Since science has a long and reliable list of achievements under its belt, it would be quite closed-minded to ignore that a universe really can come from nothing, that molecules really can self-organize and that the cosmos is really  wasteful of available space.

Faith: Remember, just exchange ‘faith’ with ‘pretending to know things one doesn’t know’ and it’s fairly clear why faith is nothing but faulty epistemology. Convincing oneself to believe without evidence or sound reasoning is susceptible to manipulation, is based mostly on emotions and crosses the bounds of logic and certainty.

Evidence: Or lack thereof. Nonetheless, in a universe where systematic patterns and predictable reactions reign supreme most of the time, it doesn’t seem to be such of a stretch to utilize the composition fallacy here.

Philosophy: In my brief studies on the subject of god and belief, it turns extremely evident that believers tend to abuse and contort philosophical methods of reasoning to “prove” god’s existence and justify their “conclusions” by referencing big names of past philosophers.

Ancients: Most conceptions of god(s) stem from a time period whereas the people were much simpler than today. To draw support for a god’s existence from those times, when we understand unimaginably much more in the present, is nothing but counterproductive.

Brief Debunk – Ghosts

Alive: What are thoughts? How do we feel? All excellent and though questions to provide answers for. However, we have a fairly accurate grasp of the facts behind these questions, thanks to the scientific method. Unless that methodology was applied, then keep researching.

Biology: According to neuroscience, mind and brain are the same. Thoughts and emotions exist due to the matter that constitutes neurons, and chemicals with opposing electro-negativity generating action potentials throughout the axons. This activity ceases when we die. How a ghost could still be conscious (or consist of “human” information) without the hardware to base it on, is curious indeed.

Eyesight: Human senses are flawed. When the human eye lacks light stimuli, it is common for spontaneous shapes and images to appear on the retina. Also, unless one would be a tethracromat, humans can only perceive between ca 390 to 700 nm wavelengths. Given that ghosts aren’t constantly visible, hints at them existing on different wavelengths, or even more plausible, only in one’s head.

Psychology:  The notions of ghosts tend to evaporate rather quickly by increasing critical thought and decreasing wishful thinking. Humans are susceptible to a lot of biases and false cognitive activity. For example; Apophenia – perceiving meaningful patterns in random data, a form of pareidolia.

Evidence: Or lack thereof. EVPs are open to much subjective interpretation and do not recur with consistency. Cameras tend to be very susceptible to design flaws such as; leaky battery, flaws in optics, double exposures, bad darkroom technique and lens flares. Of course, modern cameras have improved on these flaws, however, there is still Photoshop.

Measurements: Measuring devices are adapted to detect known physical phenomena, not be used for pointing out and injecting significance into anomalies.  

Forever 99.99 %

Absolutes simply don’black-swan-hd-wallpapert exist. There is always room for improvement since nature is dynamic, therefore science is as well. Some believers have this argument that one cannot completely trust science and its methods, because it will always be off limits to the ultimate “truth”. Of course, this is true.

Our cognitive mechanisms are flawed to say the least and we should never accept a extraordinary event at face value. That’s where falsifiability enters the investigation. Instead of deducting by searching for verification of a hypothesis, one empirically tries the hypothesis and if no consequence of an experiment is false, then one can safely and provisionally accept that hypothesis. For the sake of practicality, any scientific theory that has been thoroughly falsified is basically indistinguishable from a perceived and commonly held truth. At least until further investigation warrants revision. Note however that falsifiability does not only limit itself to scientific disciplines alone.

Furthermore, what would an ultimate truth even be? Well, given that humans make both trivial and grand mistakes or revisions all the time and has the apparent freedom to either dismiss them or accept them, an ultimate truth must be unmistakable, unalterable and beyond our mere ephemeral abstract concepts. No human, no matter how unique, would not have a choice but to accept it. It would be neither good nor bad. It would have no contrasting qualities. It would simply Be. Something of this kind doesn’t belong in the universe we humans inhabit and instrumentally observe.

So, if one where to argue that science and its current methods of deduction isn’t trustworthy, I’d challenge them to propose a more useful alternative. Because to deny it is to effectively cut oneself off from attaining future knowledge of more or less any kind.